Monday 9 December 2013

58. The Crypto Locker Virus

Ever since I have been running the U3A Computer Skills Group I have emphasised the need for a solid backup of essential data on our computers. It is very important that data and software can be recovered and re-installed should the worst happen and your hard drive fails, somebody deletes important bits of your operating system, or as is happening more and more frequently your PC becomes infected with one of the latest viruses called Ransom Ware. In this the virus can completely encrypt your entire PC then you will receive a message asking for money to de-encrypt it. THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR A RUMOUR, IT HAPPENS AND THERE IS NO SOLUTION. Even paying the ransom is no guarantee that your data will be released. The virus deletes itself after encrypting your data so there is no use trying to find and destroy it, the damage is done and the de-encryption key is the only thing which will cure the problem. Even the mighty Kaspersky company say that the encryption key is unbreakable.

Not only does your internal hard drive become encrypted but every externally attached drive which is switched on, and even your networked colleagues or Home Group who are attached to you when the virus strikes will be affected.

The way to avoid this happening is quite simple, do not open attachments or links in emails unless you are rock-sure of the validity and source of the email.

This is, I admit, a very glib answer. Who amongst us has not clicked on an inviting looking link or attachment and it is mainly good luck that we have not been infected with some sort of virus. The rule however still holds true.

If the worst does happen then obviously you are not going to hand over money to some crook who has just screwed up your PC in the hope that he does not do a runner, leaving you in the mucky stuff. Now is the time to reinstall your entire system from that emergency backup we discussed earlier. What do you mean you haven’t got one?

If you look at the Computer Skills Group, page on the U3A website there is a link at the bottom of the page to detailed instructions on how to create both a complete backup of your system disk, AND an emergency recovery disc from which you can reboot your PC then go on to re-install all of your software and data.

It is not too difficult and needs only basic skills. The instructions are detailed and advice on where to download the necessary applications is included.


For more information and help Google "Cryptolocker Virus"
