Wednesday 27 November 2013

57. Easily Select a Large Quantity of Text

When you’re trying to select text in a long document, the usual way of doing it is by swiping over it with the mouse. You move the mouse to the left of the first word, press and hold the left mouse button and drag downwards until you’ve highlighted what you want.

As long as you can see both the beginning and the end of the text you want to select, this method works a treat. But what if the end of the text is somewhere below the bottom of the window? In this case, as you drag the mouse downwards, the whole document suddenly shoots upwards at an alarming rate and you find you’ve selected reams of extra text!

Here’s the trick to doing this in a more-controlled way. Start by clicking to the left of the text you want to select, so that the cursor is flashing beside it. Then (taking care not to click anywhere else in the text), scroll down to find the end of the text you want to select. When you can see it, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click to the right of the last word (or punctuation mark). When you do this, all the text between your first and second clicks becomes selected.
